Phenoxyethanol is found in most of the cosmetics we use today. It is one of the most common synthetic preservatives in skincare products and also an important fixative for perfumes. Being a preservative, it helps in preventing the growth of microbes and is mainly found in products where water is present.
It is one of the safest alternatives to parabens and is used by companies to mark their products as paraben-free. It is an oily, little sticky liquid having a faint rose-like scent.
It is an ethoxylated compound that is formed by a chemical reaction between a known carcinogen ethylene oxide and phenol. The most common cosmetic products in which phenoxyethanol is found are moisturizers, mascaras, sunscreens, eyeshadows, soap, fragrances, conditioners, lip products, and any water-based cosmetic products.
A large number of mainstream and boutique cosmetics consist of phenoxyethanol as it is used as a preservative or a stabilizer in place of other ingredients which otherwise can cause some deterioration, spoilage or are less effective. Besides cosmetics, it is also used in some vaccines as well as textiles.
On the product labels of any cosmetic product, you can find phenoxyethanol listed under some other names like optiphen, rose ether 2-phenoxy ethanol, 2- hydroxyethyl phenyl ether, Phenoxytol and Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether.
Now you must be wondering how safe phenoxyethanol is?
Well! As per the cosmetic ingredient review, it is deemed as safe when it is used topically in concentrations of 1 per cent or less. The European Commission on Health and Food Safety also renders a safety level to the chemical provided if it is used with a concentration of 1 per cent or even less.
In products like perfumes, soaps, cleansers and fragrances it is used as a stabilizer and in some other cosmetics, it is used as a preservative to avoid products from losing potency or any spoilage.
Eventually it is a dangerous chemical compound if contacted in more than recommended quantities.
A healthy human being with no history of allergy is safe to use products using Phenoxyethanol under the recommended concentration as per cosmetic regulatory compliance.
Very informative content! Thank you for the beautiful article! Thanks for sharing the content about phenoxyethanol preservatives. Keep up the great work.