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What Are The Benefits Of The ICAS Assessment System?

The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools or ICAS assessment is a skills-based assessment program that is followed by schools all over the world. The program recognizes achievements of students in different areas of learning. It features a series of tests that are used to test skills learned by students in the classroom. The assessment benefits everyone including students, parents, and the school.

Find out what icas education assessment means and how everyone benefits from this system.

What is ICAS Assessment?

The ICAS system is used by schools to get a better understanding of what each student is capable of doing and tracks their progress on an annual basis. It comprises of a set of exams to test the academic achievement of a student during an academic year. Some schools also use it as a placement test. Parents and teachers can prepare students for ICAS to ensure that they are informed about the structure and purpose of the test.

How Does ICAS Evaluation Help?

The most important benefit of icas evaluation is that it helps students and their schools to become their best. It is considered as the most comprehensive educational evaluation program. It is different from traditional assessment programs in that it doesn’t test how well a student can recall the curriculum content. It assesses the problem-solving and thinking abilities of each student in the following areas or subjects:

  • English
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Digital Technologies
  • Writing

Benefits of ICAS Evaluation to Schools

The assessment system allows schools to get insights into the following areas:

  • Areas where each student is excelling and where they need more attention
  • Strengths and weakness at different levels
  • Performance across classes, year levels, and various subgroups
  • Comparative performance to peers
  • Progress over time

All students will be able to access reports that highlight their strengths and weaknesses. This can help them address the key areas where they need to focus and develop. Students will also get access to their online ICAS result for viewing and downloading. They will also receive the UNSW Global certificate that recognizes their achievement. There are different levels of achievements based on the student’s performance, including:

  • High Distinction: Top 1% students get a High Distinction
  • Distinction: Next 10% students get a Distinction
  • Credit: Next 25% students get a Credit
  • Merit: Next 10% students get a Merit
  • Participation: Rest of the students get a Participation Certificate

Benefits of ICAS Assessment for Parents

The ICAS Macmillan Education assessment also benefits the parents in the following ways:

  • Learning about the key strengths of their child
  • Identifying the key areas that need to be developed
  • Keeping track of educational performance as the student progresses through school
  • Check the student’s comparative national performance
  • Check the student’s answers to each question and compare with correct answers

Parents can also get an independent view of their children’s performance.

The icas education assessment test is updated on an annual basis to ensure that the students’ capabilities and understanding of different subject areas are properly measured. These tests are reviewed by UNSW certified and experienced instructors who ensure that accurate assessments are made of the student skills.

The ICAS assessment has created a reporting system that is designed for ease of use. It also allows parents to check their child’s results. Besides, they can also check the performance of the school where their child studies. It also brings uniformity in terms of performance comparison.
