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Cosmetic Shelf Life: Period Of Opening Symbol Vs Use Before The Declaration In India.

 The shelf life of a cosmetic is the time over which a cosmetic product holds its specified properties provided they are stored in conditions as directed. Or in other terms, it is the period of which the manufacturer has predicted for the product to best suit for using. When there is a change in the quality of the product with time, it is generally a function of the storing temperature, package precautions, composition of the product, humidity, water activity, quality of the ingredient along with the processing conditions.

It is the responsibility of the manufacturers to estimate the shelf life for all cosmetic products they have manufactured and it is a crucial part of their task for product safeties. Failing to do so might result in product adulteration and it is also required for cosmetic labelling requirements India. The voluntary shelf life of product guidelines usually varies based on the product and its required use. In general, cosmetic products are formulated and are tested for the shelf life of about 1-3 years under all normal conditions based on the product composition, preservation and other factors.

As per safety guidelines regulations, there are mandatory requirements to be followed for labelling of expiration dates and communicating to customers all relevant information on cosmetic products. The two most inclusions are the expiration date and the period after opening. Both are under the stability testing sector of the product and are done for making sure that customers get the maximum safety possible.

The use before date is the time taken by the product to stop performing as outlined. This period is safe for cosmetic use and will surely perform all that it is expected to. Based on the kind as well as the nature of the product, use before dates usually vary. Different factors include

  • How the product is handled?
  • Storage of the product.
  • Whether the product can dry out and will become very moist?
  • The chemical make-up of the cosmetic product.

As per global regulations when the product possesses a shelf life of less than 30months, the use before date should be mentioned on the packaging. And in case it exceeds 30months it is not required to mention the use before date.

The period after opening is the total amount of time when the product remains stable and is completely safe for human use. It is indulged in a degradation scale that a cosmetic product faces exactly in the same way as the shelf life. It is determined by taking into account several factors like the type of product along with its claimed effects. Extremities in some of the factors can also affect a product that includes use on children's and also use on sensitive body parts.

Customers can easily mark the difference between the expiration date and period after opening by seeing some of the distinctive markings. There are some particular symbols for indicating each and products should have gone through required stability tests before affixing all markings.
